Lilac City Doodles MAMAs
Maya is our F1b Bernedoodle. She weighs 43 lbs and is a happy affectionate girl always ready be by your side.
Paris is a F1b 30 lb Bernedoodle. She has a sweet laid back personality and lives with her guardian family.
Roxy is a mini F2 mini Bernedoodle weighing in at just 30lbs. She has a quirky personality that will bring a smile to your face all day long. She also loves to play with kids when she isn’t busy stealing your socks.
Charlie is a mini multi-gen Bernedoodle. She weighs 36lbs and is a social butterfly. Her favorite is jumping in your lap and resting her head on your chest. She loves hugs and is just the happiest girl.
Georgia is an F1 Standard Bernedoodle who lives with her guardian family here in Spokane. She is a social, happy girl full of life and is always happy with lots of love to give.
Lola is a 45lb F2 Medium Bernedoodle. She has a wonderful disposition, loves walks and snuggles.
Mabel-Lou is our newest mama! She is a miniature bernedoodle that lives with her amazing guardian family right here in Spokane. She has a quirky, loving personality that brings much joy to her family.